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标记档案: 新执照

萨摩亚 – 萨摩亚取消中国展览公司的许可

萨摩亚赌博管制局确认已停止与中国会展旅游集团的谈判,该集团赢得了建造一座拥有 500 间客房的酒店赌场的招标,萨摩亚赌博管制局可能会在萨摩亚争夺一个获得许可和批准的赌场项目。萨摩亚博彩管理局表示,需要一些时间来考虑是否……


Whilst business leaders and politicians have saluted the Cypriot move to embrace casino gaming in the south of the island, both are now urging the government to allow more than one casino project to go ahead claiming one solitary licence would be destructive to other areas and would minimise economic benefits across the Greek side…

美国 - 米高梅将斯普林菲尔德竞标吸引到更广泛的受众

当米高梅斯普林菲尔德公司在争取马萨诸塞州西部唯一赌场运营商牌照的公投中取得历史性胜利时,庆祝活动刚刚结束,球队就开始了马萨诸塞州西部竞选活动的下一阶段。米高梅度假村和米高梅斯普林菲尔德总裁 Bill Hornbuckle 以及米高梅其他高级管理人员致电斯普林菲尔德周边社区的市政领导人,分享斯普林菲尔德公投的消息……


布里斯班政府部长已启动与竞争对手运营商皇冠度假村 (Crown Resorts) 和回声娱乐 (Echo Entertainment) 的正式谈判,以在布里斯班中央商务区建造第二家赌场。副总理 Jeff Seeney、财务主管 Tim Nicholls 和司法部长 Jarrod Bleijie 现已与 Echo Entertainment 举行了首次正式会议。西尼先生说:“这在很大程度上是......

智利 – Ovalle Casino Resort 赢得智利第一轮牌照颁发

Peralada 和 Boldt Group SpA-Chile 赢得了智利科金博地区 Ovalle 赌场牌照的第一轮争夺战,该地区位于首都圣地亚哥以北约 500 公里处。在查看了所有三份申请后,市议会选择在许可过程中为西班牙/阿根廷合作伙伴授予 150 分……

英国 – 格拉斯哥为新赌场开发开绿灯

格拉斯哥将建造一座新赌场,并计划在该市皇家交易广场建造价值 25 万英镑的酒店、赌场、酒吧和餐厅综合体,该计划已获得议会批准。该项目拥有 96 间酒店客房、地面层和一层零售店以及位于 11 层的酒吧和夹层楼。当地休闲和地产……

Andorra – Andorra says yes to single casino licence

The tiny country of Andorra, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains, sandwiched in between France and Spain, is to open its first casino amid a raft of new regulations that will also open the door to online gaming. The government has been given a draft bill to lay the foundations for the regulatory framework. Casinos…

Austria – Century bids for Vienna licence

Century Casinos has applied for a casino license at Hotel InterContinental in Vienna, Austria. As one of at least four companies applying for the license, Century Casinos is managing a consortium of Austrian individuals, entrepreneurs and investors. A 26 per cent share in and a management agreement with the newly established Century Betriebs AG makes Century…