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标记档案: 澳门银河


银河娱乐公司上半年收入下降了 34%,原因是“市场条件充满挑战”。该运营商最近在其扩建后的澳门银河度假村开设了澳门百老汇,但澳门银河的收入下降了 31%,星际赌场的收入下降了 42%。尽管开放...

中国 – TCS John Huxley 为澳门银河二期和澳门百老汇供货

银河娱乐集团的澳门银河二期度假村和澳门百老汇是澳门自 2012 年以来的首个大型度假村,现已开业,拥有 TCS John Huxley 的 150 张赌桌。 TCS John Huxley 还提供了定制设计的 LED 钱轮,配有 Double Money Wheel Blaze 桌、Double Dragon Sicbo Blaze 桌以及 e-FX Elite 2 号码……

中国 – 澳门银河第二期开幕,百老汇制作

The new chapter of Galaxy Macau and Broadway Macau opened its doors witnessed by government officials, high profile dignitaries, socialites and celebrities on May 27. The resort, billed as the Most Spectacular Entertainment and Leisure Destination in the World, has doubled in size in just four years, now standing at a total of 1.1m square…

China – Galaxy expands its universe with Mercury wheels

Macau operator Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) has puts its faith in roulette manufacturer Cammegh, to bring roulette gaming to its customers. Galaxy is currently expanding its footprint with the spectacular phase 2 expansion and addition of the Broadway at Galaxy Macau casino, an entertainment and leisure destination opening on May 27. In a market renowned…

中国 – 澳门银河将斥资7.4亿美元扩建百老汇

With the Macau government demanding diversification away from gaming, Galaxy Macau has released plans to spend US$7.4bn on an expansion that will include a recreation of New York’s Broadway theater district as it looks to attract even more visitors. The spectacular addition will open its doors on 27 May 2015. Delivering HK$43bn in a planned…

中国 – 银河记录第 11 个季度的增长

作为最具扩张空间的澳门赌场运营商,银河娱乐集团第一季度收入增长38%,持续吸引越来越多的客户。第一季度经调整息税折旧摊销前盈利增至 3.8 亿港元。收入增长 33% 至 20.2 亿港元这一增长代表……


澳门重量级企业银河娱乐公布 36 年净利润增长 2013%,创下历史新高,并连续第十个季度实现增长。该集团的收入、调整后 EBITDA 和股东净利润均创历史新高,全年收入增长 16%,达到 66 亿美元。然而,第四季度 EBIDTA ......


随着 32 月份澳门赌场收入飙升 36.5%,达到创纪录的月度总额 4.57 亿澳门元(合 16.3 亿美元),其主要运营商之一的银河娱乐公司也出现类似情况也就不足为奇了。星际世界及澳门银河的营运商公布季度收入创纪录,达 16 亿港元,按年增长 XNUMX%……