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标记档案: 慈善机构

US – Everi donates to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children in Southern Nevada

Everi Holdings has donated $10,000 to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children in Southern Nevada which is seen as a community of hope and healing. now the charity is building a first-of-its-kind program, the Healing Center, for the specialized care of child victims of sex trafficking. St. Jude’s Ranch for Children’s mission is to transform the…

英国 – Clarion Gaming 确认 YGAM 为首个国际慈善合作伙伴

Clarion Gaming has confirmed that the Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM), the award-winning education charity has become its first international charity partner. The partnership, which will run from November 2021 through to October 2022 will see the two organisations co-operate across a range of initiatives with Clarion providing it’s industry-leading in-person events and…

罗马尼亚 – EveryMatrix 为喀尔巴阡欧洲荒野保护区做出贡献

EveryMatrix is happy to announce a major contribution to Foundation Conservation Carpathia. The organisation aims to protect the unique and beautiful Carpathian Mountains from deforestation and create a wilderness reserve in Romania. iGaming software provider EveryMatrix is joining a large initiative to actively preserve the forests of the Romanian mountains. The company donated EUR 50,000…

英国——格罗夫纳向慈善机构捐赠 25,000 份免费餐食

来自伦敦一家赌场的专业厨房工作人员团队在烹饪并向慈善机构捐赠免费餐食后中了大奖,其中 25,000 份餐食已送到整个伦敦。自 2020 年 25,000 月以来,来自罗素广场格罗夫纳赌场的七人团队不知疲倦地工作,准备、烹饪并单独包装超过 XNUMX 份免费餐点,以......

US – DraftKings celebrates International Women’s Day with donation to nonprofit organisations

In honour of International Women’s Day, DraftKings has undertaken a variety of internal and external efforts to support women entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout March, while also recognising the day as an official company holiday for its 2,600 global employees. The company will donate up to $350,000 to several U.S. and global nonprofit organisations…

墨西哥 – DRGT 协助向墨西哥库兰多捐赠 1,000 多张病床

由于许多墨西哥医疗保健机构面临因缺乏床位而无法接收 COVID 19 感染患者的挑战,Fundación Curando a México 在 DRGT Mexico 和一些当地天使资助者的帮助下促成了最大规模的交付尚未有医疗设备进入该国。鉴于该公司...

英国 – Gala Bingo 举办 52 场慈善活动

GalaBingo.com 正在举办一项在线宾果慈善活动,以支持其慈善合作伙伴 52 Lives,推出 52 场特别游戏,其中 100% 的收益将直接捐给慈善机构。 Gala Bingo 还额外捐赠了 52,000 英镑,以确保更多的人能够得到帮助。该公司已成为 52 家慈善机构的合作伙伴……

英国 – Praesepe、Blueprint 和 Bacta 迅速采取行动响应慈善机构 SOS

Gauselmann 旗下品牌 Praesepe 和 Blueprint 与英国贸易协会 Bacta 联手,向行业慈善机构 Rays of Sunshine (ROS) 捐赠 12,000 英镑,资助 100 台 Amazon Fire 平板电脑和护理包。这些平板电脑被 ROS 首席执行官劳拉·巴内特 (Laura Barnett) 称为“上帝的礼物”,将分发给因限制而......

英国 – YGAM 欢迎前赌博委员会执行官担任对外事务主管

YGAM, the national charity that works to inform, educate and safeguard young people against problematic gambling and social gaming, has confirmed the appointment of Daniel Bliss as the organisation’s new Head of External Affairs. Mr. Bliss joins YGAM from the Gambling Commission where he worked for three years in a number of roles within the…